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Privacy Policy

Effective Date: June 06, 2024

Your acceptance of this Policy

Your use of this website, Final Fantasy, is subject to your consent to our privacy practices as described in this privacy policy (this “Policy”). We operate a game information-only website that needs no gathering of personal information; therefore, we do not collect personal information when you use the website. However, certain anonymous information may still be collected.

Please, read the entirety of this Policy to learn about the types of information that may be collected and for what purpose. By using Final Fantasy, you consent to the practices described in this Policy. If you do not consent to this Policy, you may not use Final Fantasy

About Us

The website is provided by a sole owner, doing business as “Game Info Sites.” The website is operated from New Hampshire, USA. If you have any questions, inquiries, opinions, complaints, or queries regarding this Policy or the Game Info Sites services, please contact us via our Contact Us page.

The Information We Collect

We do not collect personal information on the website directly from you. No registration, newsletters, or other personal information is collected via forms. No name, email address, phone number, or picture information is required to be provided to use the website.

However, we work with advertising and analytics third parties, such as Google and Plausible, that may automatically collect non-personal on our behalf, including anonymous, aggregated analytics and usage information, which includes your search terms, inputs, interests, features accessed, etc. These third parties may also collect information about your device, including geolocation, IP address, browser type, operating system, and other identifiers (some applicable privacy laws may regard device properties as personal information). They collect this information through cookies, beacons, and similar tracking codes.

Why Your Information is Collected

The primary reason analytics and usage information (described above) is collected about you is to gather anonymous information about how users use our website, which our third-party marketing partners use to understand our marketing campaigns and identify where to offer improvements to our service.

Other reasons your information is collected may include:

The Disclosure of Your Information

As we do not collect any personal information, we do not disclose any personal information about you. However, as earlier established, our analytics and marketing partners may access the usage and analytics information gathered on our behalf to enable them to provide their services. Please, remember that this information is anonymous and is not enough to identify who you are.

Cookies and Similar Tracking Tools

Game Info Sites does not directly use cookies on the website, and we do not deploy any other tracking code either. However, our third-party service providers that perform tasks (such as analytics gathering) may set the cookies necessary to perform their tasks. The types of cookies set depend on the third-party service provider setting them; however, they may include cookies necessary to operate the website, secure the website, host content, and gather analytics for our marketing purposes.

You have control over cookies. You can accept or reject cookies for any website by exploring the privacy settings area of the applicable device browser.

Interest-Based Advertising

Our third-party advertising and marketing partners and networks may display advertisements on our website. As already mentioned, these third parties may use cookies, beacons, and similar tracking technologies to collect information about your use of our website and other websites, including your search terms, inputs, interests, and device properties to identify your preferences, anonymously. They then use the collected information to display advertisements that are based on your interests and behaviors on our website and across other websites you visit.

You can opt out of interest-based advertising if you do not want adverts to be displayed based on your interests and behaviors. Our advertising partners belong to Self-Regulatory Programs, including the Network Advertising Initiative (NAI) and Digital Advertising Alliance (DAI). These Self-Regulatory Programs provide their opt-out features. Please, visit to know more about NAI and opt out. For DAI, please visit However, be aware that opting out of interest-based advertising does not stop you from seeing ads. It merely prevents you from seeing ads that are based on your interests.

Third-Party Service Providers

Again, we use different third-party service providers for different services, including website hosting, analytics gathering, and advert placements. Our major third parties include:

Do Not Track Signal

Your web browser may have a Do Not Track (DNT) feature that allows you to express your preference regarding online tracking. When enabled, the DNT signal is sent to websites, indicating that the user does not wish to be tracked across websites or have their online activities monitored for interest-based advertising purposes.

While we respect the DNT preferences of our users, it's important to note that we do not currently respond to DNT signals. This is because there is no universally accepted standard for how websites should interpret and respond to DNT signals.

Third-Party Links

The game links and other content displayed through our website are owned and controlled by third-party game developers and companies. The availability of this content on our website does not constitute our endorsement of their information and data collection practices. For the avoidance of doubt, this Policy does not apply to any third-party links and content available on our website.

Please, endeavor to read the privacy policies of the third-party links available on the website before submitting personal information to them and/or using their services.

Changes to this Policy

We reserve the right to update or modify this Policy at any time. Any changes made to this Policy will be effective immediately upon posting the revised Policy on our website. We encourage you to review this Policy periodically for any updates. By your continued use of our website after any updates to this Policy, you consent to the changes made.

This page written by: Matthew

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