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Eorzea Cafe

The Eorzea Café celebrates the world of Final Fantasy XIV. The café is a collaboration between Final Fantasy XIV and Pasela Resorts. The building and menu are designed to reflect the world of the game, Eorzea, and offer a variety of events for fans to engage with.

The Eorzea Café is modeled after the in-game location, Carline Canopy. The Café opened on July 31, 2014. The building is located in Tokyo’s Akihabara district. Due to limited seating, guests are encouraged to reserve their seats in advance.

Guests can expect to see a plethora of Final Fantasy XIV items in the Café. These items include prop weapons, armor, Moogles, and a map of the game world. The Café also has a computer area, where players can enjoy Final Fantasy XIV while they dine. Patrons can indulge in a variety of Final Fantasy XIV themes, food, and drinks. The Eorzea café features 35 themed food items as well as 55 different drinks.

Anyone can enjoy the Eorzea Café. However, gamers have a special incentive to visit. Players will receive a stamp card on their visit, which can be filled out by purchasing menu items. Once a card is filled, it can be exchanged for exclusive Final Fantasy XIV merchandise.

The official Pasela Resorts Eorzea Café website can be found here.

This page written by: Cameron Mcfarland

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