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New Final Fantasy XIV Dawntrail benchmark launches June 3

By: Jeff de Leon on June 2, 2024

New Final Fantasy XIV Dawntrail benchmark launches June 3

Final Fantasy XIV director Naoki Yoshida posted a final Lodestone update summarizing the graphical enhancements made to the new Dawntrail benchmark character creator. This all-new version lands tomorrow, June 3.

Here’s a quick summary of the graphical updates shared by Yoshida.

While these are the primary enhancements made based on player feedback from the first benchmark, Yoshida explains that the improvements are much more extensive. Remember, these updates aren’t just indicative of what’s coming in tomorrow’s new benchmark; these changes are also being implemented in the launch version of Dawntrail coming soon on July 2.

For more details on the new benchmark, Dawntrail’s graphical update, and more, you can check out Yoshida’s full post on The Lodestone. You can also preorder the Final Fantasy XIV Dawntrail expansion now.

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