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March 2024 Site Update

By: Matthew on April 1, 2024

March 2024 Site Update

Hello everyone it is now April 1, 2024, and it has been nearly 6 months since I last did a site update announcement so first I would like to apologize to everyone for not keeping you informed of what is going on and why you might have noticed some changes happening around the site. While we have continued to bring you the latest happenings and news of the Final Fantasy universe, thanks to Jeff de Leon, you may not have seen anything else on the front-end change. Unfortunately, the holidays and new school semester took a lot of my time away, much more than I originally expected, and it has slowed down my work. With the holidays over I have been able to dedicate more time to working on the backend of things so we can start bringing you the information you come here to find. With that said I have a few positive announcements to make.

I would first like to welcome Samina to our team. Samina joins us as a data researcher and has already gathered a lot of information that will soon be coming to the site. Their primary role here will be to go out and research out-of-game data and verify information and we are very happy to have them join the team.

Next, you will notice that the Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn is now accessible even though there is no information on it yet. We are currently trying out a new team member whose role will be content writing with the first major project being to write up entire story summaries, plot summaries, and sysnapsis. The first media they are working on is for Final Fantasy XIV so that main page should start filling out soon. We are also currently working on adding information about the release of each expansion as well as the Sony PlayStation Trophies that are available for the game.

Right now most of the content going up will be these summaries, synopsis, release information, and trophy information as I continue to work on the code that will allow me to start adding detailed NPC, Quest, and Item (including weapons and armor) information, as well as regional maps from Final Fantasy XIV onto the site. I am hoping to have that stuff start showing up in June. I am also planning on doing a public update like this on the last day of each month to keep everyone informed of what we have been working on.

From everyone on the team here at Final Fantasy we would like to thank you for taking the time to visit our site and hope that you will continue to check in and watch us grow into the best resource for all your Final Fantasy Information needs.

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