Final Fantasy XIV's latest patch is live and brings several changes that should make preparing for Dawntrail much easier.
First and foremost, weekly limits on certain raid rewards that bottlenecked iLvl progression have been lifted as the game usually does before the arrival of the next major expansion. Specifically, weekly restrictions on Unsung Blades of Anabaseiois earned from Anabaseios: The Twelfth Circle are now a thing of the past, so players can run the raid all they want and then exchange the Unsung Blades for Hermetic Tomestones for higher-level Endwalker weapons.
Similarly, the weekly restrictions on treasure coffer rewards and Thaleia Coins earned by completing the Thaleia alliance raid are also gone. Thaleia Coins, along with the coins earned via the first two Endwalker alliance raids, are exchanged for items needed to augment gear and raise iLvl. The ability to farm coins from all three alliance raids without a limit makes gearing up significantly easier, especially for players doing so for multiple jobs.
And speaking of Thaleia Coins, players can now use them to purchase Divine Solvent, another key item used for weapon augmentation. Before this patch, Divine Solvent could only be acquired via Pandaemonium Savage raids–the most challenging tier of fights in the game–but now, Divine Solvent can be purchased from Radz-at-Han for the much more reasonable price of one Aglaia Coin, one Euphrosyne Coin, and one Thaleia Coin. With weekly restrictions on coin drops for all three Endwalker alliance raids lifted, this change becomes even more appealing.
Final Fantasy XIV's Patch 6.58 also increases experience earned by Trust NPCs, increases Wondrous Tails rewards, and includes minimal PvP balancing. This will be the final patch leading up to the release of the Dawntrail expansion this spring. For a full breakdown of Patch 6.58, head to The Lodestone.